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Main List

Note: New things added after very first list are in this color

Buying Gold and Silver

Many people have had prophecies about an economic collapse happening, and from this collapse, there would be a transfer of wealth to Christians who had bought Gold and Silver right before it happened. From this wealth transfer, they would then use the money to get safe havens ready, as well as go all over the earth, bringing revival as part of the last great revival and God pouring out His Spirit on all flesh, as He says in Joel 2:23-32. The interesting thing about this is that in the secular world, this term "wealth transfer" is actually used in connection with hyper-inflation when money becomes worthless, and Gold and Silver become extremely valuable because they don't lose their worth the way the money does. It creates a situation where people who have these precious metals are able to buy large amounts of land, property, and possessions because all of those things become extremely low in value as no one can afford to keep them and everyone is trying to sell things for whatever they can get out of them. So you have a situation where everything is going down in value and being sold very cheap, while Gold and Silver are going up in value, making it possible to buy tons of those cheap things, which transfers the wealth from some people to other people. There was someone who actually had a vision about this very thing happening who was on a program called It's Supernatural with Sid Roth. In the vision, there was this huge hurricane over the entire U.S, and it was raining down dollar bills, just like what would happen in a hyper-inflation event. Then Silver also skyrocketed very high in value. Here is the link to the video: The vision starts at about 17:30 and the name of the video is," Shane Warren 1 on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth - Future of America." He also saw places and churches of refuge being set up, sometimes even entire cities, as this whole vent was unfolding.



There is also a Christian lady named Lynette Zang on YouTube, working for a company named ITM trading, who has studied inflation events her entire life and talks a lot about all of this: She is actually getting her own safe haven ready as well, although I don't think she knows it might be for the world ending :). From what she has been seeing in the economy, this kind of event has already started, and it's just a question of not knowing when it will become it's full intensity.


So anyway, this is just something to consider as part of getting a safe haven ready, and there are many places online you can buy Gold and Silver. ITM Trading and GoldLine seem to be good companies, but I'm sure there are many out there that are as well. One thing GoldLine has that doesn't seem to be anywhere else is they do have these smaller 1/10 ounce pieces of Gold that you can use to buy smaller things with: You could also use Silver for that too though.




Food Growing -
(Update11/26/2019) As mentioned in the description for this list, something that God has never provided a way for us to be able to do is grow our own food in any kind of large way.  We have been able to do very tiny gardens and indoor type plants, but this isn't something that would carry you through very much of a crisis.  However, something He has made a way for us to do is help out at a very large, local farm that grows at least 5 or so acres worth of Organic food each year, as well as doing all of their own seeds for the food they grow.  They also do a CSA model where you can pay a certain amount every month to get a certain amount of food from them every week.  So even if you aren't able to do farming on your own, one option is to help out someone else who is doing farming, and helping their farm grow bigger.

As to how you can find out about any local farms that might welcome your help, the way that we found out about ours was through a local gardening club. Some other ways to find out about a farm near you are by using a search engine like Google and putting something like, "CSA farm near (whatever your city might be)," into it. The reason you say "CSA" is because usually a CSA farm is more community minded and will usually be glad for any volunteers to help. Like the farm near us, they also usually let you work for food instead of paying a certain amount each month. So if you're on a budget, that's a great option for getting fresh produce. Another way to find out about a farm is to ask at your locally owned health food store to find out about any local farms that might want some volunteers. Usually organic farms and health food stores go hand in hand with each other, so they usually know about each other. They would probably also know about community gardens in the area you could help out at. Another option might be to ask at a locally owned garden center. Since they usually have the supplies that gardeners and farmers use, they may know of some farms you could help. They may also know of some gardening clubs as well, that you could then ask them if they know anyone that needs some help.


But anyway, those are some other options if you can't farm yourself. If you can farm yourself though, below you can find a few resources that could help.

Large Scale

Jordan Rubin's Permaculture Farm with Food and Cattle

This is quite an amazing thing. Sometime before 2011, God told Jordan Rubin to be a Joseph and gave him a vision for a farm that would one day be a refuge for thousands of people as the world would end and He would return, where they could come and find food, shelter, and water. Part of the vision was also to teach people how to do what he has done. Here is a video from when he was on TBN that he talks about what God gave him. (at the 6 minute mark):

There is an October, 2019 Registration to go to his farm and learn here:


Semi Underground Geothermal Greenhouse for around $25,000 (Produces all year round in any weather with most any type of food)



Medium Scale

Self-Sufficient System with Fish for Fertilizer

Part 1:

Part 2:



Back to Reality channel has a lot of permaculture videos


Potatoes with Hay instead of Digging

Previous video talked about in above video:





True Leaf Market


Botanical Interests

(Update 8/19/2019)

Long-Shelf Life Food

There are many different places you can get food from. So this section is mostly just to list some general ideas for food.

Grains and Beans

True Leaf Market

Breadtopia - (Update 9/6/2020)

Great River - (Update 9/6/2020)

- You can buy an entire pallet or truckload of grains from this company, using the second link below


Nuts, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Nuts with Shells Still On

(Update 11/01/2019)


Dried Vegetables and Soups - (Update 9/6/2020)

Starwest Botanicals

Dehydrated Milk - (Update 9/6/2020)





Mount Capra - 1 and 10 pound bags


Dehydrated Eggs - (Update 9/6/2020)


Dehydrated Peanut Butter - (Update 9/6/2020)


Freeze Dried Food

Augason Farms

My Patriot Supply

Hardtack Recipe

Food Storage

Some General Ways of Storing Food


Ice Chest Method - The ice chest gets filled with water, with whatever you are trying to keep cool put in glass watertight jars that are submerged in the water. Then during the night time, the lid to the ice chest is left open to allow the ice chest to become cool. In the morning, the lid is then closed, and the ice chest stays cool all day long. It would also be possible to cover the ice chest with insulation during the day to keep the night's temperature in it even further.

(Update 12/19/2019)

Some Ways of Insulating an Ice Chest to Prolong Coldness, or Making Your Own Ice Chest


Passive Evaporative Cooling - kind of an above ground root cellar. You would never be able to store things for prolonged periods of time in something like this, in the way that you can in a fridge, but this general idea does keep things much better than if they were just sitting out. Something to note is that it also works better in dry climates, rather than wet climates.

Large Brick Cooler


Clay Garden Pots


Wood Box with T-Shirt



Solar Food Drying

Geo Path Finder - a 10 page pdf on how to build one can be found near the middle of the page. This particular one basically heats up a sheet of metal on the top side. Then the other side, or bottom side of the metal, radiates that heat on to the food, where the food also has air flow underneath it, which combined dries the food.


Other drying ideas that don't work quite as well, or are more complex to build. Ones that have the food in actual sunlight are not ideal because the UV rays destroy a lot of nutrition in the food, but they work if there is nothing else.

Simple Direct Sun Box

Other similar designs


Sunlight and Food Separated

video of someone who built above dehydrator:

video of someone who used soda cans to build it:

Article about it:


Another type of dehydrator that separates the food and sunlight

A bit more difficult to build, but plans can be found in this book here, as well as other information:


Three Different Kinds of Dehydrators with Ability to Purchase Plans for One of Them



Simple Hanging Dehydrator that Works for Some Things, but not all Things. Also Rather Expensive.



Root Cellar - Pretty well known already, so not much to say with this one.



Semi Root Cellar in basement

Back To Reality channel

update on build:


Running Water from an Underground Spring to Cool a Refrigerator to around 40 degrees, using a Ram Pump to move the water without Electricity

Finished Refrigerator Designs (This design uses electricity with, I think, the well water)


Ram Pump (basic idea)

(Update 7/24/2019)

Buckets with Gamma Lids

This is one of those things that we found out after some trial and error.  When we were just starting to use whole grains and storing whole grains, we just left the grains in their bags they came in, which worked for a few years, but everntually some of them got weaveFive gallon buckets with screw on lids, which can be bought separately, work quite well for storing food like grains and beans. You can also add oxygen packets to the buckets to keep the food fresh longer

Gamma Lids


Oxygen Packets



Vegetable Fermentation -

(Sauerkraut, as well as any vegetable if you have the correct lids) - Important for eating whole grains, beans, and vegetables on a prolonged basis without as many digestive difficulties.



A tiny bit cheaper alternative

Premium Presents

Glass weights, which are needed for it to work, sold separately. Here is an example of them:




Flour Grinder - for grinding your own flour



Sprouting -

Sprouting is great because you don't need to cook in order to be able to eat grains, beans, and seeds.  It just takes a lot of water.  Sprouting grains, beans, and seeds also makes them easier to digest and more nutritious.  We have used the glass jar method that works quite well.

Glass Jar method for sprouting

Use Mason Jars. Holes can be drilled in plastic lids like these for airflow and drainage:


About 1 cup of whatever you want to sprout seems to work well for a 2 quart jar like these:


Hemp Sprout Bag Method


Companies Selling Sproutable Grains in Bulk

Many Kinds

True Leaf Market

(Update 11/01/2019)



Sunflower and Pumpkin Seeds


Cooking -

Something to keep in mind with any solar type cooker is that most videos are from people in places like Florida or Arizona that have a lot of sun and the sun is also fairly high in the sky, giving a stronger intensity to the sunlight, and also easily attained high temperatures to whatever they are cooking with. If you're in a place that has a higher latitude though where it gets below 0 during the winter, it becomes much harder to get the 350 degree temperatures because 1, it's colder outside, but 2 the sun stays at a much lower angle all year, which also means it has to go through more of the atmosphere and isn't as intense. You can still cook quite well at around 200 and above, but just something to keep in mind while watching videos is you may not get as high of a temperature, and it may take longer to cook food. Solar Ovens also only get to their highest temperatures in the afternoon. If at a higher latitude, there are things you can do that help though, like going with an insulated design, and also put your pot in between two glass bowls, that you then put inside of your solar oven, which creates another barrier the heat has to escape out of, and increases the temperature in your pot. Cooking with black pots also helps.

(Update 3/05/2020)

"Fireless Cookers" or what are now called "Thermal Cookers" - No matter what method you might use to cook your food, something that can help a lot are these Thermal Cookers, both in terms of how much food you might be able to cook and how much fuel or other resources it takes to cook your food. The basic idea behind these is that you bring whatever you are cooking up to the boiling point of the water in your pan, then either place your pan in an insulated box, or wrap your pan in blankets. And because the pan is in an insulated area, it doesn't lose its heat very quickly, meaning that you can keep your pan near the boiling point temperature for 5 or 6 hours. Since it's kept at this high temperature still, this then cooks your food as though it was still on the burner. Essentially, you are cooking something like you would in a crock pot, only instead of continuously heating the crock, you are just trying to retain the heat that is already in the crock. This also then saves fuel because you don't have to keep it on the burner to cook it, and it also means you can start cooking something else while you other pot is in the thermal cooker. If you would like to find out more about these, you can see the original idea where they came from here: and here:


And if you would like to buy them, you can now find them on Amazon, although now they use vacuum sealing as their insulation:

Also as a note, these are mainly for cooking things like soup, rice, pasta, beans, etc. that are full of a liquid like water, and wouldn't work very well for other things. And this is because with those kinds of things, since you're dealing with a liquid, the heat in the pan transfers throughout the entire pan by the time it gets to a boiling point, and also the things you are trying to cook take a while to cook even after they reach that boiling point throughout. In contrast to this, when cooking solid food like bread or meat, it takes a long time before the inner part of the food actually reaches a high enough temperature that it would be worth it to put them into one of these, and by the time the inner part reaches that temperature, the food is already cooked. So there really isn't a reason to use these for those. It's possible it would still help a little to use a thermal cooker for these kinds of things, but they are primarily for cooking things in a liquid.


Solar Parabolic Cookers - These are a lot like a stove burner, with the whole cooking experience, and the way food turns out, being very similar to a stove top burner. One downside to these versus using a solar oven is that you have to watch these a lot more closely when cooking things because of the way the reflection has to stay right on your pan, otherwise you lose your heat source. So you have to realign it every 15 minutes or so to keep the sun on there. Solar Ovens are a lot more forgiving because you can leave them for an hour or two and the sun will still be shining into them. The other concern with these is how dangerous they can be if kids, or adults :), are around who might not understand how dangerous they can be. There was someone who had a similar experience with them to ours that can be read here:

Prebuilt With Stands

(Update 7/12/2019)

Testing of Multiple Cookers - (The SolSource and Cantina West cookers seem to perform the best out of the ones tested)

Another set of Reviews of Cookers

(Update 8/24/2020)

LiFuJunDong - This currently seems to be about the only company you can get these from now. We got the circular one below and it is the same size as the Cantina West cooker. It also seems to be a good solar cooker.



Vogvigo - (Update 8/24/2020 - Aren't being sold anymore)


Sol Source - (Update 8/24/2020 - Aren't being sold anymore)


(Update 7/12/2019)

Cantina West - (Update 8/24/2020 - Most likely because of Covid-19, we recently had great difficulty getting a Solar Cooker from this company, so it may or may not be a good place to order from)


Premade Without Stands


DIY Stand Idea

see Appendix B


DIY with Satellite Dishes

Parabolic Food Stands

see Appendix B


Solar Ovens

- Beyond cooking food, solar ovens can also be used to heat up water, or to do things like heating up bricks or stones to use as hand or feet warmers in winter.

As far as what solar oven works the best, of the pre-built ones, most people seem to say the All-American Sun Oven works best. Ironically, even though we have built so many ovens, we have not actually tried it yet. The main reason for this is our need for something larger for a whole family to cook many things in, and none of the pre-built ovens are very large. So we have built some DIY ones that can be large. You can find a link to someone talking about the performance of their All-American oven below, under its' section.

With the DIY ovens, the Family-Size oven we built just recently seems to work the best of anything we have tried so far. One thing to watch out for in YouTube videos of making solar ovens is that a lot of people who make them are in lower latitudes, and if you are in a higher latitude, as we are, around 40 degrees, they definitely don't ever seem to work as well. This was another reason for trying to build our own, was to try to create something that would still work very well in our climate and in the winter. So if you want to create a DIY oven, if you are in a southern latitude, pretty much every design you see online will work pretty well in the end. However, if you are in a northern latitude, you may want to try creating something like the Family-sized oven because it's something that in the end, was really built for a more northern latitude.


All Season Solar Cooker




All American Sun Oven

Review with Temperatures:




(Update 10/29/2019)

Family-sized Winter Solar Oven

See Appendix F for this solar oven

Rectangle Design

DesertSun02 youtube channel

Cold Climate Rectangle Design

A version of the rectangle solar oven above, but made for colder climates. More information can be found in Appendix D.

Omick's Design - no instructions



Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:


Solar Tubes - These are basically small, superhot ovens, that are maybe more like a grill

Variety of Companies



Solar Oven and Parabolic Cookware

Glass Cookware to Put Over Pots in Solar Oven

4 quart


4.5 quart



Pots and Pans

Cast Iron


Granite Ware

(Update 7/24/2019)

Something else we have found to work well for pots and pans is to paint them with High Temperature painting



Parabolic and Fireplace Pan Holders - Over the years, we have built quite a few different DIY ways of holding a pot over a fireplace or DIY Parabolic Cooker. You can find pictures of these in Appendix C that could help with ideas, if you need them.

Reflective Surfaces to put on DIY Cookers and Ovens

Reflective Tape


Reflective Mylar



Various Companies


Emergency Blankets - Thinner material than normal Mylar, and cheaper as well


(Update 2/20/20202)

Cardboard Box Ovens - These are a very interesting idea that work as a way to bake things like bread, or meat, or any other thing you might use an oven for, using a cardboard box lined with aluminum foil, and some hot barbecue coals that you then place in the box as a heat source. We have not tried these out yet, but there are quite a few videos you can find online of people baking things pretty successfully with them. Since they are built with cardboard, there is the danger of the box catching fire, so you will want to use these outside :), but they still seem to work quite well, even getting up to 350 or 400 degrees inside depending on how many hot coals you use. The big upside these have is that you can bake things even when there is no sun.

Creating a Cardboard Box Oven and Trying It Out: - Cooks a Chicken


Testing Ovens

Rocket Stoves (Generally the most efficient way of burning wood because it burns the gases as well as the wood. Because of this, they are also smokeless. The nice thing about them too is they concentrate all of the heat from the fire to your pan, instead of how with a normal fire, the heat goes everywhere around it. As another note, a lot of the DIY ones seem to work better than the premade ones, just because their chimneys are longer, giving more time for the gases to burn)


List on Amazon of Many Different Ones


DIY - As a general notice, the best material to use in a Rocket Stove are fire bricks for the actual area where the fire is at. This is because other material isn't made to handle the heat, so the bricks or cement can pop or crack while using, which you will see has happened in the cinder block video. Another general notice is that there is a greater danger of a kind of explosion if you light a fire in the stove while the bricks or cement are soaking wet, which creates steam as it heats up, but steam that is trapped inside of the brick, making it explode in some cases, as it did this river rock: Just something to be aware of.


Cinder Blocks



Brick with Fire Pit Type Design to Use Larger Wood instead of Sticks


Cement Bricks




Solid Cement

(Update 6/25/2020)

Wood and Gas Ovens

Prebuilt (We haven't tried these yet, but these are some interesting small ovens that are made for using on top of a metal fireplace or a gas burning camping stove. Although, they would also most likely work on a campfire as well.)





Candles and Lamps for Lighting, Heating, and Cooking

DIY Oil Lamps and Candles - When making your own candle, in general, the wider or thicker your wick is and the longer it is, the bigger the flame will be, but also the faster it will use your fuel source. This is useful information to know because then you can kind of control how much light or heat you want to generate and how much fuel you want to use. This is also the reason why the flame size varies in the videos below. Another tip is that you will want to use natural fibers like cotton for your wick rather than plastic para cord type fibers, since plastic will just melt instead of just acting as a way for the oil to get to your flame.


Some Safety Links - From what I have been able to tell in the things I have seen online, there doesn't seem to be too much of a fire danger in using oil lamps, but there a few scenarios to watch out for. The first one being that you don't want your wick to be too thick or too tall above your oil, or in the case of a canning jar type lamp, too tall above the lid. The reason is that it will create a large and unruly flame that could light something on fire that you don't want to light on fire :). To know the best height, it seems to largely be up to how thick your wick is, but here is one video where someone did some testing that can work as a start:, and another one where someone talks about wick height: As for another danger, this is in one of the links below and is specifically for Canning Jar type oil lamps where the lid actually seals and traps heat and pressure inside of the reservoir of oil, eventually forcing the oil up the wick faster and creating a huge flame. Since it's talked about below, I'll not go into more detail here. Last but not least, so far I haven't seen any videos or articles talking about this being a problem, but if you have too many wicks in your candle at once, one potential fire hazard that could arise is that the reservoir of oil that your candle is drawing from could catch fire. And the reason this can be a danger is that even though oil is not flammable and you can't actually light it on fire with a match or something like that, it is still combustible, which means that it will ignite on its own if it goes above a certain temperature. According to this article:, the temperature when this happens for vegetable oils is about 750 degrees F. and higher, which is pretty high. For reference, according to this article:, the paraffin wax used in most candles today will combust or auto-ignite at a temperature of about 390 degrees and above, and the kind of set up it takes for that to catch on fire is something like these clay pot heaters where the heat is actually staying around the wax: So altogether, it takes quite a bit of heat to combust cooking oil, even more than candle wax, and in most use cases it shouldn't ever combust, but there are some certain cases where it could if there is too much heat staying around the oil reservoir, either from it being trapped or possibly too many wicks too close together, and it is something to be aware of. That article above also mentions further down that vegetable oils tend to start smoking at a temperature of about 390 degrees and above. So this can be one way of knowing if the oil is starting to get too hot. And now after that long explanation, here are some links to a few more safety things.



Proper way of extinguishing an oil fire - In case the actual oil reservoir gets too hot and catches fire, as talked about above, this video shows why you should never use water to extinguish oil that has caught on fire. Instead, you will want to cover it to starve it of oxygen.




Add Vents to Canning Jar Type Lamps - This video shows something that seems to only happen with canning jar or baby jar type oil lamps that actually seal and are airtight. To give a summary of what some of the commenters believe is happening and I would also say is happening, after a few minutes of the candle burning, heat and air pressure seems to build up inside of the jar, which forces an excess of oil to go up the wick of the candle. This then causes a large flame because so much oil is being burned at once. In order to stop this from happening, all that you seem to need to do is add some holes elsewhere on the lid as a vent so that pressure can't build up inside of the jar. This idea of adding vents to stop this from happening also seems to be confirmed in this video where the person has quite a few large holes and doesn't ever mention this problem happening:




Making Wicks - No matter what kind of Wick you use for your lamp or candle, according to some of the commenters on the Borax video below, soaking the wick in a solution of Borax and salt helps to keep the actual wick from burning so that it lasts longer, which also means you would have to adjust the wick height less often. So it's probably a good idea to always do that step.


Using a Mop Head as a Wick - According to a commenter on one of the videos I had seen about making an oil lamp, an all-cotton mop head works well as a ready made wick, and all you have to do is cut a strand off of the mop whenever you need a wick.


Using a rope type wick


Using string as a wick


Putting Wick in Borax and Salt - According to some of the comments on this video, this method of first soaking the cotton wick in Borax and Salt makes the wick last longer because the fire isn't able to burn the salt and Borax on the wick, which also means the fire uses more of your fuel source as fuel rather than the wick as fuel. The directions for doing this are to heat up 1-1/2 cups of water and put it into some kind of container. Then put 2 Tablespoons salt and 4 Tablespoons Borax into the water and stir until dissolved. After it's dissolved, you can put your wicks into the solution and let them soak in it for 24 hours. Once they have soaked, you then rinse the wicks and let them dry for 48 hours, after which they are ready to use in a candle. An optional extra step is to also melt some beeswax or wax and dip the wicks into the wax to make them stiff and easier to use in a candle.


How to know what width of wick to use if making one of the "Crisco" vegetable shortening candles below - Shows the reason why the wicks get drowned on some candles that are in jars. Basically, it's because the wick is too small and the flame isn't big enough to melt the wax on the sides of the jar as it is burning, and as the flame gets lower and actually does start to melt that wax on the side of the jar, there becomes an overflow of melted wax in the jar which extinguishes the wick.


Braiding string to make a bigger wick - How to make a three strand braid to make a bigger wick. You can also use multiple strands in each of the three strands to make an even bigger wick.


Size of wick and flame you most likely need for cooking - We have not tried cooking with a candle, but this video seems to show about the size of wick and flame you need to cook with a candle.



Oil Lamps

Using sand to keep the wick from bending


Using a Mason Jar with a Mason Jar lid to keep the wick straight


Using wire to keep a wick straight


Another video showing how to use wire to keep the wick straight - Easier to see than the video above


Using salt to keep a wick straight


Using the bottom of a pop can to float the wick on the oil


Using a cork to float the wick on the oil


Soda can lamp


Using wire to create an adjustable wick




"Crisco" Type Vegetable Shortening Candles

Putting a wax candle into vegetable shortening to use as a wick


Someone testing out a "Crisco" candle


How to embed plain old string in the vegetable shortening to use as a wick - Basically all you have to do is wrap the string around a pencil or something like that a few times, then lay that pencil over the container you are using for your candle. This will keep one end of your string at the top of the container. On the other end of the string, you then tie it to something like a bolt nut and let it fall to the bottom of the container. These two things together make the string stay straight. After that, you just heat the vegetable shortening until it melts and pour it into the container, letting it sit until it hardens again. Once it hardens, all that is left to do is cut the top of the string, altogether making a candle.




Links to Some Supplies


Vegetable Oil - This is the cheapest fuel that we have found


Vegetable shortening - Depending on where you get it from, this type of fuel can be a little more expensive than the oil version, but it is also stiff and can be used to make more of a wax type candle like some of the links above show. Here are some on Amazon:

and here is a Walmart brand that is only $6.00 for six pounds:



Oil Lamp Burners and Wick Adjuster - According to one of the reviewers, you can use a 1-1/4 inch drill bit to put these into other kinds of metal lids, like canning jar lids.

Lamp Oil



Canning Jar Lid Oil Lamp Converters - Note: From what the reviewers say, these don't seem to have a vent hole in them that is talked about in one of the safety videos above, which is most likely the reason some of them talk about the flame getting so big. They also may have had the wick too tall.

Canning Jar Lids with a Hole Already in Them


Pau D'Arco - This is something we found out about when my brother got the West Nile Virus, and it was actually a bit of a miracle that we did find out about it.  If you don't know what the West Nile virus is, it is a virus you can get from mosquitoes that, at its worst, has left many people in our area in wheelchairs or having to use a cane, as well as in great amounts of pain because of the way it attacks the nervous system.  I don't know why, but our area just seems to have a lot of very severe cases :), and for whatever reason, there also aren't any treatments for it in the medical world either.  It's also an interesting virus because of the way that, like Lyme tick disease, it stays in your body the rest of your life, and actually comes back every now and then in full force when your body is weak.  The reason for mentioning all of that though is, as said above, one thing we found out about when my brother got West Nile that has really helped him is a bark called Pau D'Arco, that you can make a tea out of.  To give a little backstory, when he got West Nile, he has already always been quite weak from other health things, so when he got West Nile, he had a very severe case and was very close to dying those first few days of having it.  But one of the things we found out about from a friend who had gotten West Nile was this Pau D'Arco bark, and it really made a huge difference in his recovery, and even though he had such a severe case, has never ended up in a wheelchair, a cane, or having great amounts of pain.  As long as he drinks it every day, he also never has any of the symptoms of the West Nile come back either, unlike many other people we have heard about in our area.  Asa further testament to this, there was also one of our friends who had a very severe case of West Nile, and was in very great pain until we had a chance meeting with her and were able to tell her about this Pau D'Arco, and after she started using it, the pain went away.  And also a little while after that, because of some tests she was doing, she had to stop drinking Pau D'Arco, as well as stop a few other things she was doing, and sure enough, all the pain and symptoms of the West Nile came back.  So we don't know the medical reasons for why it works, but it does seem to work quite well for the West Nile virus anyway, and may work for other things too, and is just a good thing to have for times that there may not be a medical world able to help.

Here is a link to a place it can be bought.  We use the loose bark instead of the powder, and make large batches at a time by putting the loose bark into the water, bringing the water to a boil, then letting it sit until it's cool.  After that, we just strain out the bark:

Colloidal Silver - Colloidal silver is a bit of a difficult thing to pinpoint just how well it might work for various things, because you will find a lot of things stated about it's abilities that are most likely not true. However, you can also find out things that are definitely known about it, and the main thing that is known from many sources is the ability of silver ions to kill bacteria. You can read about this in many places online like this:, here:, and here: You can also see it in action in a few videos on YouTube, one of which can be found here: There is also this website that lists quite a few different studies that have been done with Colloidal Silver and viruses, and some of the ways it has interacted with viruses in those studies: Although, they don't have links to the studies, so it's hard to know for sure if what is being claimed is true or not.


This then is where the idea comes from of taking it internally to fight bacteria, or externally on things like cuts to fight infection from bacteria in that cut. And this external use is actually sometimes used in the medical world for this very thing, according to this website and others you can find online: There is also this PDF that talks about its use throughout history for medical purposes:

In contrast to that, for using it internally, there was a website found here:, that talks about some of the possible benefits of using it both internally and externally, giving some studies to back up those benefits, but probably the best way to find out how well it works would be to just look at some of the reviews on Amazon for the products mentioned below, and see what kinds of successes or failures they have had with it.

As far as taking it internally goes, it's good to also mention that there are some risks associated with it, but from what we can tell, it would appear those risks seem to be confined to taking large amounts of silver over one's lifetime, or taking large amounts over a short period of time. One website that talks about all of it quite well can be seen here:, and you can find many other places online too. To give a little summary, as far as we have been able to tell, the only concrete risks people ever talk about is a condition called Argyria where your skin turns permanently blue-ish because of the silver buildup in your skin from taking too much silver. Two other dangers that are sometimes talked about are liver and lung inflammation, but this is again from large dosages. And finally, they also sometimes talk about the possibility of someone being allergic to silver. You may run into other things too as you research silver, but those are the things we have run across.

Also worth mentioning, in order to know when those risks become involved, that website above also mentions that the EPA has actually given out guidelines for a kind of daily limit of silver intake in order to not have those adverse effects, and that daily limit being 350 micrograms. This is something that can also be seen at this website, in the section towards the top called, "A Closer Look at Silver,":, where it also mentions mentions the World Health Organization has given a value of 10 grams over one's lifetime being considered safe. So altogether, according to the chart in that link above that uses the EPA's guidelines, it's worth mentioning they say how, if you use silver that is at 10ppm, or 10 parts per million, you only hit that 350 microgram threshold if you take 7 teaspoons a day of 10ppm silver. And it's also worth mentioning that the EPA does have a threshold of how much silver one is able to consume safely each day over one's lifetime.

So in the end, that all is a bit about Colloidal Silver, and the reason for going through all of that lengthy explanation :) is that, the reason it's here on this list is it could be quite useful in an emergency situation when there isn't an ability to get anything else, because of it's ability to kill bacteria like an antibiotic does, as well as possibly help with other things too.

As to what companies you might want to get silver from, there are many companies out there that sell it.  From our understanding of what is said in some of those websites above and others, some of the best bottles of silver you can get seem to be ones that have the smallest silver particle size, and also have a lower ppm value of 10-50 ppm.  From what we have read, they seem to work the best because having a small particle size means it takes less silver before an area of the body becomes saturated with silver. For example, if you were to put a cup of pebbles into a gallon of water and swish it around, the thing you notice is that there are large spaces in between those rocks that don't come in contact with the rocks. However, if you were to put a cup of fine sand or dirt into the gallon of water, the entire gallon becomes full of the sand or dirt, where there is very little space between each sand or dirt particle and the water that it is in. In turn becoming quite dirty water because the dirt and water were able to intermingle so much and come together so much, and in order to do the same thing with the pebbles, you would have to completely fill your container so that the space in between each pebble could be smaller and more water could come in contact with those pebbles. So you would have to use a lot more than just a cup of pebbles to get a similar effect. I don't know if that is a very good analogy :), but that principle is also the same with the silver, where the smaller the particle size there is, the more saturated an area can be, which also means more bacteria should come in contact with the silver. Just like the pebbles versus the sand or dirt, it also means you have to use less silver as well, which also means there is less of a danger of those side effects talked about above. So in the end, the ones with a low particle size and a low ppm value seem to be the best.


Here are a couple companies you can get silver from that seem to be this way, as well as links to buying one of their products on Amazon so you can see their reviews:

Sovereign Silver

Silver Biotics

Here also is a website listing multiple different brands:, that there should also be reviews on Amazon for.

There is also a great tool on that Sovereign Silver website where they show photos of how small many different company's silver particles are, so you can find out if what they claim is really true or not:

In addition to this, you can also purchase at home kits to make it yourself.  So if you had a solar power generator, you would be able to keep making it, even if you could no longer buy it. There are many of these kind of Colloidal Silver generators online, but the particular one we have been using is one from a company called Silver Edge, found here: The main reason for using their machine is that they claim it's able to create silver particles as small as .8 nanometers:, which as mentioned above, is always a good thing to try to find colloidal silver that is the smallest possible, because the smaller it is, the more area the silver is able to cover, and you also have the least risk of any side effects because you don't have to take very much of it to get the same effect as when the silver particles are larger. We haven't found any way to verify just how small the silver is that we get from it, and that above figure is probably the very smallest possible size rather than the average size, but that is what they claim anyway. That is also the size of particle that Sovereign Silver company claims to have when you look at the description of their product on Amazon in that link above.

But anyway, that's the one we have used, and it seems to be working all right for us. They also have a list of reviews on their website here: I'm sure there are others that would work all right too though. There was one website I found here that gives three other options:

Activated Charcoal Tablets or Capsules - You can read a lot about this online, but if you don't have anything else, as would be the case in an emergency or survival situation, Activated Charcoal can be a great way to help with things like food poisoning, vomiting, and in some cases drug overdose and chemical ingestion, and is even used in the medical world for this purpose. You can read more about activated charcoal being used for chemical and drug overdose situations here:, and also read about some of the other uses for it here: This website also has some information about what the side effects of it might be, some dosage information, and things like that:


For buying it, you can find it on Amazon here:


As for knowing which company to buy from, probably the best way is to look through the reviews and see what kinds of successes people have had in using that particular company.

Water Purification



(Update 10/31/2019)

DIY Berkey Containers

(Update 7/24/2019)

DIY Filters - These are mainly a way to take out sediment and almost purify water. We haven't tried any yet, but they could work well for getting water clean enough to clean clothes. Depending on the water, you may be able to drink it as well if you boil the water.

Charcoal and sand

Ceramic and Charcoal

Ceramic alone


Some Types of Charcoal for Filters

DIY Activated Charcoal (Update 8/19/2019)

Entire filtration system with science of making activated charcoal


Making activated charcoal out of coconut shells or walnut shells


Shows process of activating the charcoal

Distillation - very useful for reusing water, or for using water out of lakes and rivers because all of the particles would clog a water filtration system quickly. So for that kind of water, it can help to use the distiller first, then filter it after, just in case.

Passive Solar Distillers - These create about 2 cups to 1 gallon a day for about a 3 feet square area, dependent on how well they are made. Something worth noting about these passive solar distillers is that, as long as you can make them cheaply, they can be worth making, or if you need distilled type water. However, if you have to spend a lot of money on them, it would most likely be better just to get some water filters instead, because of how little water you get from these, for the cost you would pay in building them. As an example, replacement Berkey filters cost $150 for two filters, and they can filter at least 6,000 gallons of water before they would need to be replaced. So if you have a passive distiller that was $150 dollars to build and can give you at most 1 gallon per day, it would take 6,000 days before it would equal what the Berkey filters can do. The advantage of course of the Berkey filters is that it doesn't take 6,000 days to get 6,000 gallons, and you can get a lot more water from them. You do have the added expense of buying the whole unit with the Berkey filters, but that is a one time cost that after you have it, you can just buy the filters. Instead of buying the whole unit, as mentioned in the Berkey Filter section above, you can also just buy the filters and make your own container out of buckets. That would be quite a bit cheaper going that route. So those are some of the thoughts we have had about these, that they are probably only worth it if you can make them cheaply enough or need distilled type water that won't have any kind of hard water in it. It's possible these also take out most of the chemicals that might be in the water because of the way they would stay behind as the water evaporates. However, some of the videos we have watched seem to indicate that some chemicals actually evaporate with the water, and you should never use the first small amount of water you get in each batch. So we don't really know for sure how many chemicals these would take out.


Understanding what's needed


Building a Distiller

Version 1 -

Version 2 -

Version 3 -

Version 4 with Plans -


Tips for Building

Update on Distiller:


Version using Black Fabric instead of Silicone


Pyramid Shaped Version with Metal


Small Scale DIY


Large Scale Possibilities


Heated Distillers - These create anywhere between around 4 cups to 1 gallon per hour


video of assembling:



Video of Use:




Fresnel Lens Method - See "Fresnel Lenses" section at the bottom of this list, under the section "More Explanations of Things in List," to find out more about these, as well as some words of caution about them.

Where they can be bought:


Ideas for using them in this application


Idea for a Stand

see Appendix A


Small Scale DIY

(Update 7/24/2019)



Large Scale DIY

Versions using Pressure Cookers

(Update 7/24/2019) - (Also Shows Extracting Essential Oils)




Water Pump without Using Electricity

Ram Pump

(Update 7/24/2019)




Water Heating for Laundry, Dishes, and Showers - Of the Different methods listed below, so far the only one we have tried is the coil method, which seems to work well so far.  You can see more about it in Appendix E. To give a little bit of information about each one, and maybe some of the pros and cons for each one, from what we have experienced with the coil method, one pro for it is that you aren't trying to heat up a large tank of water, as you are with the vacuum tube method. Instead you are only heating the water as it is going through a long section of pipe. The reason this can be nice is you can have hot water in only about 20 minutes after setting the unit up, whereas, with what one of the reviewers on said about vacuum tubes, it takes about 5 hours to heat 10 gallons of water up to 120 degrees on a day that it is in the 80's and 90's. So even though the vacuum tubes I'm sure can heat up water quickly, because of the way they are built and you have to heat up an entire tank of water, it takes a long time before you have hot water, and during the winter when there is hardly any daylight, you probably wouldn't have hot water until evening. This could be a pro as well though if you want to have a very large amount of hot water at a time. The fresnel lens method also shows heating up a large tank of water, but maybe what is nice about that method is you can decide how big of a tank you want to heat up, since you are building the system yourself. One other consideration is that with the coil method, we have found if you let the unit sit in the sun for maybe 10 minutes, the water inside of the coils can heat up to about 180 degrees on a day that it is in the 80's and 90's outside. So if you need really hot water, it is able to do that, whereas the vacuum tube method wouldn't be able to get to that. The fresnel method might be able to do that as well, but because of the way you are heating such a small section of pipe with it, I'm not sure. Lastly, one con of the coil method is that, on order to have constant hot water that is at about 130 degrees, you have to have a very small amount of water going through it so that the coils can stay hot as the water is going through. So those are some of the pros and cons of each one. In the end, to us anyway, some version of the coil method has seemed to be the best way to go because of its versatility. There are also some companies we have run across that can install coils on your roof as well if you don't want to go the DIY route. We haven't been able to find the links to those again though.

Fresnel Lens Method - See "Fresnel Lenses" section at the bottom of this list, under the section "More Explanations of Things in List," to find out more about these, as well as some words of caution about them.

Where they can be bought:


Ideas for using them in this application:

Instant heating as water passes through pipes:


Heating water inside of a tank

(This particular tank isn't as safe because there is no relief valve for steam buildup)


Idea for a Stand:

see Appendix A


Coil Method

Simple Plastic Coils




Copper Coils

(Update 7/24/2019) See Appendix E for a more winterized version


Interesting testing with different ways of doing the coils

(Update 7/12/2019)

Large Arrays of Coils


Vacuum Tube Method

Doing Laundry

Overall Source and Ideas




Breathing Washer







Soap from Ashes




General Ideas


Compost Toilets




(Update 12/19/2019)

Toilet seats for 5 gallon buckets:


Lots of tips for them and a general discussion about them


Other Types of Toilets





Using Summer Rain Water




Get clothing several sizes larger than what you currently wear - This is one of those things that you only ever think of after having to live somewhere without a heater during the winter, and it's only in the 40's inside, which could also be the kind of situation we are prepping for and may find ourselves in. One of the main problems with trying to still do things in such cold temperatures is the way that you have to layer so many sweaters and things on top of each other in order to stay warm, because you can't just stay under blankets all day. But if all of your sweaters and jackets are in you current size, this makes it hard to layer very many sweaters without a lot of binding and difficulty moving around. So in comes the solution to this of having sweaters and coats that are in sizes several times larger than what you are currently wearing, which makes it possible to increase the amount of layers you can wear, without having as much difficulty moving around.


Wool - As far as keeping warm goes, one of the best fabrics you can get is wool because of the way that it actually keeps you warmer when it gets wet, according to this article:, it insulates better than other fabrics do, and also wicks moisture away from your body. So when you need to keep warm, wool is usually the best fabric to use. If you want to read more in depth about wool, there is an article that goes more into the science of it here:


Of course, one downside to wool is that it can also be a bit expensive. However, we have been pretty amazed by how many wool and cashmere sweaters we have found at second hand stores like the Goodwill for only a few dollars. So there are alternatives to buying wool at full price.


Leather - If you notice a cheap leather jacket at a secondhand store like the Goodwill, leather can be a great material to keep you warm during very windy days because of the way it blocks the wind, especially if you pair it with wool underneath. This is also the reason why bikers use leather, because of its ability to block the wind on a motorcycle. However, if you are thinking of buying one new, it would probably be better to get something made for winter like this instead that is windproof and has insulation built into it:

Solar Electricity

Plug and Play Systems




(Even though these are just normal solar panels, they do still work with the batteries below.  You just have to make sure the max wattage from these isn't greater than the battery can handle.)

Renogy Panels


Mighty Max Solar





Rockpals - 300 Wh


PowerOak - 400 Wh - a nice version because it shows the wattage coming from the solar panel


Renogy - 400 Wh - no wall socket output


Electrical know how systems


Most basic system that will get you up and running. Consists of 4 parts that need to be wired together


Best in depth and step by step explanation

Still Basic System, but with more safety features and in depth explanations for wiring


Adding other bells and whistles to your system

Camper Specific

explorist - Good information on batteries and various connectors


Full Off Grid Home Installation


Safety Tips


Complete Kits



Renogy Starter Kit


Renogy Panels


Mighty Max Solar





Battle Born Lithium


Renogy Gel - similar to lead acid


Vmax Solar lead acid






Giandel: 300w - 600w


Giandel: 1200w - 2000w - not Pure Sine Wave


Giandel: 3000w - 5000w

(Update 10/19/2019)

SolArk: EMP proof inverter for a house




Blacksmithing Possibilities

Fresnel Lens Heating Method - See "Fresnel Lenses" section at the bottom of this list, under the section "More Explanations of Things in List," to find out more about these, as well as some words of caution about them.

Where they can be bought:

Ideas for using them in this application


Idea for a Stand

see Appendix A



Volcanic Ash Protection

There have been quite a few prophecies from people like Henry Gruver about America being attacked, and during this time of being attacked, as well as right before being attacked, there would be a very large amount of natural disasters happen, one of which is a very large amount of volcanoes going off. In the prophecies, these volcanoes would be both judgment on the places where they go off, as well as protection from the invading armies, being part of what would make them leave America. Irregardless, having eye and breathing protection would be very important if in an area that would have a lot of volcanic ash, because the ash is actually microscopic pieces of glass that cut the inside of the body if inhaled, leading to eventual death.

Eye Protection


Lung Protection


More Explanations of Things in List

Fresnel Lenses

Fresnel lenses are basically the same as a large magnifying glass. However, the key difference is they are made out of plastic, and are flat instead of curved. There are also different types of these fresnel lenses available, which would be linear or spot lenses. Here is a video showing some differences between them: Spot lenses concentrate or focus the sun's energy to a very tiny point, making that point hot enough to melt steel, glass, and sand. Linear lenses on the other hand are more blurry, putting the sun's energy in a much larger area. So they aren't as dangerous, but can still be dangerous because they are still concentrated the sun's energy into a small area. In the end, if using them, you have to weigh how much power you need versus how dangerous you are willing to go. Here is a video showing the potential of a spot lens and just how dangerous they can be: However, here is another video showing how not as dangerous they can be, also showing some linear lenses:


When we tried getting a lens, we went with a large Linear lens found here: Its performance turned out to be about what you see in that second video above, with the fourth and fifth lenses he shows, which works for cooking on a skillet, but not for heating up water or any of those kinds of things. It's also worth mentioning that, being in a more northern climate, it seems to only work that well during the afternoon, and during the Summer. A lot of times we have tried using it, it wasn't even able to catch wood on fire. Part of the reason for this is because of the way the sun doesn't get as high in the sky in the more northern latitudes, especially as you get into winter, and the difficulty with that is the lower the sun is in the sky, the more the sun's light and energy gets filtered out by the atmosphere. So the higher in latitude you are, the sun gets less and less high in the sky, and therefore the maximum amount of the sun's energy you can use becomes less and less. That has been our experience with these lenses so far anyway. I imagine things like pollution levels play a role in things as well.


But in the end, if you're in a more northern climate and you do need a lot more heat, probably a spot lens would be the way to go, since you have such reduced sunlight and temperature, especially during the winter. If you're in a southern latitude, the lens should function about the same as what you will see in the videos above, and you might want to be more cautious with what lens you choose.


It also depends on what application you are getting them for as to what way you might want to go. As mentioned above, linear lenses can work good for cooking, like on a skillet, because they don't get super hot. While spot lenses would probably better for blacksmithing type things, or trying to heat up water.


One more thing to mention too is that some linear lenses can be turned into a spot lens by sanding and polishing one side of the lens. This is something that our linear lens we ordered is able to do, but we haven't tried doing it yet. Here is a video showing that process: The advantage of this is that it does provide a way that you can kind of control how much of a spot lens you want, however, it might be kind of hit and miss as to whether or not you get a linear lens that can be turned into a spot lens. If ordering from that website above, you may have to contact them first to make sure you get a linear lens that can be made into a spot lens.

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