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Website Introduction

Before getting into the introduction for this website...


First:  We weren't sure if this would be necessary or not. but just in case it is, here is a:



By using this website, using any of the ideas contained therein, downloading anything from the website, or sharing anything from the website, you acknowledge and agree that all content on this website and in the downloadable pdfs is provided "as is" without any warranty expressed or implied, and is given on a "use at your own risk" basis.  By building things given on this website, or using anything in this list or its pdfs, you also agree to assume all risk with anything you do in connection with this website or the information contained in it, and agree to not hold any of us responsible for any and all damages, injuries, or other things that may happen from the use of this list, its appendices, its downloadable pdfs, or that may come from the use of what you build.  You also agree to not hold us responsible for any errors or omissions that may be in this website, in the list, its appendices, or its pdfs.

And Second:  If you would like to be notified when things get added to this website, we aren't on Facebook or Twitter, and neither do we intend to be in the future :).  However, there was another way we thought of to do this through a website called Gumroad.  Normally this website is used to sell digital goods or other things, however, you can also sell things for free on there, and what's great about it is that, if the digital good gets updated, you will be notified through email that it has been updated.  So instead of using Facebook or Twitter, we have decided to take this route instead, doing it through Gumroad.  So if you would like to be updated about new things added to this website, all you have to do is sign up with Gumroad, then go to this link:, and "purchase" the product for free by putting "0" in the name your price section.  After purchasing it, you should then be able to be sent emails when we update that product, which we will update when we do an update of this website.  It's a little bit of a workaround, but it seems like the best way so far.


Also as a note, the PDF you will get after purchasing the product on Gumroad is the same file that is in the "Downloadable PDFs" section to the left, which if you click on it, will take you to a folder on Dropbox where you can download it.  So you don't get anything extra from Gumroad, just updates.

Now on to the Introduction!

To give some introduction, this website and its Appendices are all about creating something that you could just hand to someone, and they would have all of the information they might need for preparing for a time of crisis. It's a little bit different of a list though than a normal emergency prepping list. With the things that people are talking about happening through prophetic words and open-eyed visions, as well as things people are talking about in the secular world, and with the way that the reality of the world keeps coming together and matching many prophetic words, if everything actually does happen that people are saying is going to happen, there will be a point that this world as we know it to be, probably isn't ever going to come back again. In a case like that, what is needed is an actual lifestyle change, rather than something that can get you through temporarily until things go back to normal. So what this prepping list has kind of turned into is really about gathering an actual lifestyle that can be lived for years, instead of gathering an emergency list that is only about getting through a couple weeks or months. Or maybe another way to say it, a kind of list all about what might be needed to go about your daily life at a much reduced level, instead of what might be needed to get through a short emergency.


That idea really does change how you prepare for things as well. Like for us, because of various health issues, we have had to eat a lot of things like whole grains for many years and have ground our own flour as part of that to make our own bread. However, one of the things we found is eating that way for prolonged periods can be difficult on the digestion. So then eventually we found that eating fermented sauerkraut really helps with that, and actually later found out you can ferment any vegetable if you get these special lids. Doing sourdough bread instead of yeast bread also helps, as does eating sprouted whole grains. So if you're storing up lots of grains for a short emergency, it works well enough to eat that way for short period of time, but if you eat that way for a long time, you find there are all these other things that kind of go along with it, and it takes an actual lifestyle change to eat that way. There have been prophetic words, and visions people have had, that at some point God will be taking care of His people in the same way He did the Israelites in the desert, with things like Manna, so it's possible at some point we may not actually need to be able to do things like eat whole grains for long periods of time, but it does give an example of how the way you prepare changes.


Another example might be if you plan on cooking your food in an emergency situation outside in a some kind of a fireplace you've made, that can work great if you only have a few weeks that you need to use it, but what if things don't go back to normal and you have to keep using it everyday during the winter as well, for the entire winter when it's only maybe 30 degrees outside or less? Are there other things that would be needed in order to do that? If you only have a small cooking fireplace that you have to use outside, and doesn't generate much heat around it, maybe there would be a way to build a small, insulated box to sit in while you are cooking, so you didn't get too cold. It's just kind of asking the question of, what other kinds of things do you need in order to live that kind of lifestyle daily?


This is also a really important thing about any kind of preparing we have found, is to actually start changing your lifestyle now, into what it would be like in the time you are preparing for, or at least do a lot of practicing living the way you would, in what you are preparing for. As we've tried to use things in a daily sort of way, we've been amazed by all the things we have found out, and all the bugs that we have had to work out that in the end, you seem to only ever find when using things everyday. The other reason for changing your lifestyle before something would happen, or practicing a lot in living that way, is that when crisis starts, it doesn't effect you nearly as much, because you already know how to live in that crisis. You are able to just move into it because it's already a part of your life.



The other part about this list is trying to gather more specific things that we have tried that work, or if we haven't tried them, things we know will work, instead of doing a kind of general list of things. For instance, instead of just saying solar ovens work well for cooking food, trying to point to specific solar ovens that work. Or trying to point to specific ways of storing food that work. This way this list can just be given to someone without them having to do a lot of research on their own, trying to figure out what works and what doesn't, and hopefully be easier to prepare for things. This is something that we have found to be quite hard as we have done things is just not knowing what works and what doesn't. There are some things that also take months or years to know if they actually work or not. As mentioned in the examples above, you could try storing up grains and beans that will last for years, but how do you know if it actually works to eat that way for prolonged periods of time? Or how well do solar ovens actually work in our climate, or in the winter? It can just be hard to actually know how to proceed with things sometimes, and what is actually useful information. So this is to help give an easy place to start with things that, we anyway, have found work and will hopefully help others too.


In our own preparations, it's been quite interesting watching everything unfold in the way that God seems to have really led us into all of it, without us knowing anything we were doing, and a lot of times, without us even knowing that was what He was doing. We just started with what we had though, and it's kind of like you can see Him unfolding each thing as you keep going along. Like with a lot of the things we have built, some of which are in the appendices, there have been many times that we would almost finish building something, then would run across something that would then start the next project.  Then when we were almost done with that one, we would run across something else, and after building that one, something else would come up, and then it would happen again, etc, and this has been happening over and over again.  It was like God was arranging things so that we wouldn't get too overwhelmed by everything all at once, so He just kept revealing things only as we would be able to work on the next thing. It's always so interesting when that sort of stuff happens because you really aren't trying to do any of it, but it's like you are walking out this path prepared for you ahead of time :). Even the idea of preparing wasn't something we ever really tried to do, but it just kind of gradually came about. Putting together this list was also an idea that just came one day, that we had no intention of doing before.


One of the interesting things that has happened during our time of preparing things is that the understanding for, and the money for, any kind of solar electricity and solar panels only came after we had figured out a lot of the other stuff. We have kind of looked into those sorts of things over the years, and it would always be either too confusing to really get into and never really felt right, or we never really had the money for it. Then there was this one time that we looked into it, and we also had a bit of money for something like that, and it's like it all just clicked, and we were able to get at least some solar electricity, to make some things easier. We don't know if that means anything, but it was interesting that it wasn't something we were able to do for quite a while. 


Using our own logical minds as to a possible reason for this is that solar electricity is less reliable and permanent than all of the other stuff, or can fail in the end, because all of the other stuff still works as long as there is sun, while the solar panels are full of delicate electrical equipment, that if it fails, there may not be a way to fix. It can also get very expensive with all of the batteries, and for example, trying to get enough electricity to power even one 1,500 watt burner to cook on can easily run $5,000 or more if you want a good system that will last for a while. If you have several families with you, these costs then multiply further and can get incredibly expensive very fast, while all you're trying to do is get enough electricity to cook food on a few burners.  Whereas buying a parabolic solar cooker that are in the links on the Main List page are at most $600 - $700, and one of them is only around $250, and they do just as well as the burner.  You can even just get a large $200 satellite dish for your parabolic cooker and cover it with reflective tape, then use that for cooking. In the end, they are far cheaper, and the nice thing is that you will always have them because they are so durable. So just an interesting thing about the order of what things we were led to that, for us anyway, the solar electricity is more of a way to do things easier, but not actually the primary way to do things. It's just to say too that there are other options out there than just solar electricity. What has seemed the best way to us is to use the Solar stuff like the parabolic mirrors and Ovens as the primary way of doing things. Then have the Solar Panels as a backup for those things. Lastly, if both of those things don't work, like on cloudy days, use a fireplace. This way the things that have basically free energy get used first, and any fuel gathered for a fire will last a lot longer, meaning you don't have to expend as much of your own energy in order to cook.


It's also been quite interesting how He has used money to kind of lead us in things. As mentioned above, we as a family have had a lot of health issues over the years and have been fairly poor because of those things. We have seen Him doing many miracles through it all, but it's interesting the way that He has used those things to kind of gradually change our lifestyle into something closer and closer to how we might have to be living in the times ahead. Like for a while it was very interesting the way He was gradually kind of taking us down another notch in our lifestyle. Like we would cut things back enough to be breaking even, then something would happen that we would start having 200-300 dollars less each month, so we would have to cut things back again. Once we did that, it would go down by 200-300 again. This happened about 4 or 5 times in the end, and each time it was always almost the same amount. But in that, it also forced us to figure out ways of living at a reduced level, without a lot of modern conveniences. Then at a certain point, things kind of plateaued at a certain level for quite a while, and it was very interesting how He kept doing lots of miracles in our lives, but they were all things that just kept us at the level that we were at, instead of things that would take us out of where we were at. Then it was really interesting when we started piecing a bunch of things together a couple years ago, realizing just how close we are to His return, and we started preparing for the way the world will be as part of that, things just kind of worked out that there was all of a sudden quite a bit of money for all of the preparing, with quite a few different people giving us money. Not only giving us money, but giving us money just when the previous funds had all been used on preparing for things, and each thing that happened was kind of spaced just right that we could continue preparing for things. So it was kind of like we had to understand what the money was going to be used for, before He could let us have it, because if we had it before, we would have tried to use it to go back to our old lifestyle, whereas He wanted us to actual change our lifestyle, and now we know, in preparation for the things that are coming.


So that's a bit about the list. We don't know if it will ever be useful to anyone, but hopefully it will be. In the end, God is really the only one who is going to be able to get anyone through these times, but He must have a reason for why He has provided the things He has, and given the ideas that He has given for things, and you kind of just have to do your best to obey. So in that heart, this list is here.

And without further ado, you can find the whole list on the other webpages to the left.  The "Main List" is the one with all of the links to things, while the other pages show in more detail some of the things we've built and figured out, that are also mentioned in the Main List, that could be helpful.  You can also find downloadable PDFs for all of the webpages on this site in the "Downloadable PDFs" section.

If you are new to the list, probably the best place to start is with the Water Purification section, and either buying or building a rocket stove that is in the Cooking section. Having these two things, you should be able to get clean water, boil water, and cook most of your food. From there, if you aren't in a very wooded area, or maybe even if you are, it would be a good idea to get some of the solar stuff found in the Cooking section, so that you don't have to use as much fuel to cook. If you build or get a solar oven, it will also allow you to cook things like bread that you can't cook very well on a rocket stove. With those three things, and having food of course, that should take care of the more immediate daily needs. Then after that, it would just be going through the rest of the list and seeing if there is anything you might like.


Also, here are a few pictures of the things that we've built that could help with ideas for things.  Instructions on how to build some of the things can be found in the appendices:

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